Lectures on Digital Humanities

The seventh lecture

Modern research tools in humanities and social sciences: from eye tracking through EDA / GSR to face tracking

Dr. hab. Tomasz Gackowski
11 January 2019, 10 am
Instytut Informacji Naukowej i Bibliotekoznawstwa UWr,
pl. Uniwersytecki 9/13
Room 104


Media researchers throughout the world more and more focus on certain deficiencies of classical methods used in the fields of social sciences and humanities. The need for the triangulation of methods is often discussed whereas researchers use modern technologies, such as eye tracking, face tracking, EDA / GSR, EEG, NIRS etc. It appears that what the recipient feels / experiences /perceives / reacts to can, to a large extent, be measured and standardised. If so, modern media researchers are not limited to in-depth interviews, observation records, surveys and focus groups. Thanks to modern technologies they are not restricted by a so-called declaration effect. In their research into the reception of books, press, radio, television, social media, applications and games as well as in VR / AR experiments one may want to determine what the respondent really perceives or experiences when they are exposed to a stimulus. What is taken into consideration from a bibliometric perspective is not only what respondents voluntarily reveal to us but also their reactions that they do not control. I will discuss the above issues referring to various examples of research conducted in the Laboratory of Media Studies of the University of Warsaw.

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Dr. hab. Tomasz Gackowski –media scholar and historian, doctor habilitatus in social sciences (media studies), associate professor in the Department of Social Communication and Public Relations at the Faculty of Journalism, Information and Book Studies of the University of Warsaw, head of the Laboratory of Media Studies at the University of Warsaw, coordinator of the Media Analysis Centre at the University of Warsaw and vice head of the Institute of Journalism of the University of Warsaw, 2012-2016. He is the author of numerous articles and books devoted to the methodology of media and social research, discourse and narration analysis, political and stock market communication as well as eye tracking and biometric research. He has co-organised many conferences, symposia, congresses and workshops (e.g. Ogólnopolskie Konferencje Metodologiczne Medioznawców and Ogólnopolskie Zjazdy Analityków Mediów at the University of Warsaw). On four occasions he has received scholarships from the Ministry of Science and Higher Education (2006-2010) and from the Foundation for Polish Science (Program Start 2013). He was awarded the Minister of Science and Higher Education’s scholarship for young, talented researchers (2015-2018).

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